Wednesday, October 18, 2023

My top 5 new sources



I see a lot of their posts on Twitter and it used to be on a lot back home I never liked how many commercials they'd play.  I am aware of their biased views and I try to take that into account when consuming any of their articles/news segments.


CNN is always on back home so if I see something interesting I'll watch it but rarely go out of my way to turn it on. I know it is a biased source, but it's rare to find a major news outlet that isn't. I do go on their website once a week to see if anything major happened because I try to stay somewhat knowledgeable in politics.


My parents

I know this sounds ridiculous but I get a lot of news from my parents I used to be very into politics in high school. However, being a left-leaning person in a right-leaning town got tiring. I stopped watching/reading major news outlets due to my undying hatred of advertisements. So if anything really interesting happens in the news my parents will tell me or I'll hear about it from social media. 



Being in the games industry I like to know what's going on. Their rise to fame is their game reviews which I always found bland. I mainly read their articles relating to the games market and what people are interested in. I also read many of their reports on game sales which I always find fascinating.



Twitter, now known as "X". A lot of the news I get is related to game development or news in the games industry. I do get a lot of normal news as well and I find Twitter to be the easiest way to digest news. Being able to read something directly from a politician is a good way to learn about their policies and who they are as a person.

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