Saturday, October 28, 2023

BlogPost #2 Supreme Court

From the short documentary I watched, I learned more about the petition system that is used in the country. hundreds of petitions are sent to the Supreme Court daily and only a handful are taken to court. Another thing I learned is the justices have to write opinion papers. In the documentary, the example they used was an 80-page opinion which was then shared with news outlets, You can see journalists writing notes and highlighting the opinion throughout the segment. In the pre-digital age, I found it fascinating to see physical pages passed out to people rather than just sending a PDF through email.
I knew the Supreme Court had a lot of power especially when Roe v Wade was overturned but this documentary really showed how much they can do.

    To add to that. The justices have no term limit so as we are seeing most justices are in their late 50's and 60's. Clarence Thomas is the oldest at 75 years old.

the most surprising thing I learned was the 3-year rule. Justices have a "rule" where they don't fully comprehend what they are doing until about 3 years into their career.
Seeing the justices talk about their career humanizes them compared to just reading an article or seeing a news segment about what they did/ are doing in the courtroom.

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