Monday, November 20, 2023

Blog post #6 anti war

War is something the everyday citizen fears. No one wants to be in a war, Ever since childhood I've been told WW3 and nuclear annihilation were always just around the corner. I'm not the only one who experienced this.

 Looking back at the past hundred years it's not only obvious but scary to see what wars the US has jumped into. The Korean War, Vietnam, Iran/Iraq. All countries the US invaded/helped a faction in an ongoing war with. Now we see the same thing with Ukraine and Israel. In the nearly 247 years this country has existed it's not been at war for 17 of them. Wars aren't cheap, the US spent over 120 billion dollars on the Vietnam War according to The Veterans History Museum. The US has sent billions of dollars to both Ukraine and Israel. Yes, these countries need help, but our country has problems that need solutions.

 Inflation has increased the price of almost everything, the housing market is a disaster, government corruption/lobbying is at an all-time high, the police in the country are poorly trained, there is a teacher shortage, poor infrastructure, food deserts, the government is 33 trillion dollars in debt, etc. Imagine what the country could be if it put its money into solving its own problems and not the problems of the world.

But why would they? War can increase a country's GDP, can reduce unemployment, and the government can do stuff they normally can't do. Money will go into the accounts of government officials. More money can be spent on military improvements. technology normally improves exponentially during times of war.

But what does this mean to the average citizen? historically speaking, gas prices increase, rationing, and propaganda being presented on every major news outlet. just to name a few. What happens after. Some soldiers come home disabled either physically or mentally. How many homeless people have you seen who are also veterans, that number is probably more than zero. The US would also be billions of dollars more in debt to who knows who.

The US Government loves war, it wouldn't have been in it for 94% of its existence if it hated it. We can vote and protest all we want but with a pattern like this the next war will come and go and history will repeat itself as it has dozens of times before.

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