Sunday, October 29, 2023

Key Post #1

 Of the eight values of free speech, I've read the ones 

 these are the ones that stick out to me the most.

1: Participation in self-government. This is about how most voters won't make wise decisions while voting. With the rise of social media and with it the rise of misinformation making well-informed political choices is more difficult than ever. "You are not immune to propaganda" is a quote that I've been seeing more and more often. Giving everyone with an internet connection a platform does have its cons. Sites like TikTok and Facebook spread conspiracies and misinformation like wildfire. These are not only dangerous to the people the false information targets but also to the whole American population if more and more people believe in these theories. I remember back in 2021 when US representative Marjorie Taylor Greene blamed "Jewish space lasers" Article found here. Although she meant this as a joke or exaggeration if people actually believed theories like this it could be bad for people of Jewish faith or ethnicity. As someone who is ethnically Jewish, I'm lucky to have not faced much anti-semitism. But my family members have shared their experiences of having to explain to people that Jewish people don't control banks or have tails. As society progresses news literacy will as well. 

2:Premote tolerance. This talks about how people naturally dislike hateful speech and how ideas become
more accepted and normalized. With social media giving everyone a platform this is easier than ever. The rise of vlogs, blogs, or any user-generated media in the 2010s allows the everyday person to view the life of someone completely different. For instance, the "van life" trend popped up a couple years ago, the idea is simple, people live out of their vans and document their day-to-day lives. Many of these vans have been modified and decorated to be almost like a small RV. Before this trend, it would be frowned upon to live in a van but thanks to social media times have changed. There are many more examples of things becoming accepted through the use of social media such as  LGBTQ, dressing alternatively, other ways of life, etc. Social media has forever changed the way society views new ideas. People of my generation have grown up with social media and its effects that's why my generation is leaning more to the left compared to our older generations, Article here.

     As stated in the article our generation has been through what feels like a global disaster after the next, from a young age we had to experience the after-effects of 9/11, the 2008 recession, COVID-19, Afghanistan, and most notably climate change. With climate change, we are told as kids that global warming is caused by pollution by corporations. That definitely steered Gen Z towards a more left-leaning ideas. Not like that was a bad thing, but an interesting example of free speech. If this country didn't have free speech it's unlikely the everyday person would know about some of the even darker sides of these problems.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

BlogPost #2 Supreme Court

From the short documentary I watched, I learned more about the petition system that is used in the country. hundreds of petitions are sent to the Supreme Court daily and only a handful are taken to court. Another thing I learned is the justices have to write opinion papers. In the documentary, the example they used was an 80-page opinion which was then shared with news outlets, You can see journalists writing notes and highlighting the opinion throughout the segment. In the pre-digital age, I found it fascinating to see physical pages passed out to people rather than just sending a PDF through email.
I knew the Supreme Court had a lot of power especially when Roe v Wade was overturned but this documentary really showed how much they can do.

    To add to that. The justices have no term limit so as we are seeing most justices are in their late 50's and 60's. Clarence Thomas is the oldest at 75 years old.

the most surprising thing I learned was the 3-year rule. Justices have a "rule" where they don't fully comprehend what they are doing until about 3 years into their career.
Seeing the justices talk about their career humanizes them compared to just reading an article or seeing a news segment about what they did/ are doing in the courtroom.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

My top 5 new sources



I see a lot of their posts on Twitter and it used to be on a lot back home I never liked how many commercials they'd play.  I am aware of their biased views and I try to take that into account when consuming any of their articles/news segments.


CNN is always on back home so if I see something interesting I'll watch it but rarely go out of my way to turn it on. I know it is a biased source, but it's rare to find a major news outlet that isn't. I do go on their website once a week to see if anything major happened because I try to stay somewhat knowledgeable in politics.


My parents

I know this sounds ridiculous but I get a lot of news from my parents I used to be very into politics in high school. However, being a left-leaning person in a right-leaning town got tiring. I stopped watching/reading major news outlets due to my undying hatred of advertisements. So if anything really interesting happens in the news my parents will tell me or I'll hear about it from social media. 



Being in the games industry I like to know what's going on. Their rise to fame is their game reviews which I always found bland. I mainly read their articles relating to the games market and what people are interested in. I also read many of their reports on game sales which I always find fascinating.



Twitter, now known as "X". A lot of the news I get is related to game development or news in the games industry. I do get a lot of normal news as well and I find Twitter to be the easiest way to digest news. Being able to read something directly from a politician is a good way to learn about their policies and who they are as a person.

Final blog post

 Technology and its evolution have gone up exponentially in the past 20 years. In my own lifetime, I've seen things that were considered...